What to Consider when Setting yourself up as a Vendor for an Art Market

What to Consider when Setting yourself up as a Vendor for an Art Market by Rayna Lo

Congratulations! You get to sell your artwork as a vendor at a market and/or fair! Okay, now what? This is an exciting opportunity to put your products out there and here are some tips to help you create a successful event. From my experiences of selling at local indoor markets to outdoor out-of-state fairs, here’s … Read more

The Power of Drawing a Small Doodle a Day – I Developed Efficient and Smarter Habits

The Power of Drawing a Small Doodle a Day – I Developed Efficient and Smarter Habits by Rayna Lo

This all started with lessons I learned from completing the 100-day project a few years ago. I wanted to get myself into the practice of drawing more so I thought that committing myself to drawing for 100 consecutive days would be a great kick-in-the-butt. And that’s exactly what I did. I created 100 art pieces. … Read more


As I evolve by growing and learning more about myself, so too does my art. New website updates coming soon to reflect the new directions my journey is taking me!