Ollie’s Story and Merch Coming Soon!

Ollie's Story and Merch by Rayna Lo

Ollie’s story is coming soon and I can’t wait to share! I have been quite busy in the last few years running my art workshops and although they are fun and super fulfilling, I realize I haven’t been able to devote a lot of time to personal art. When I do find small pockets of … Read more

Five Simple Questions to Ask if You Don’t Know How to Articulate Your Art

Five Simple Questions to Ask if You Don’t Know How to Articulate Your Art by Rayna Lo

You artwork may not always speak for itself. In this case, it’s helpful to clearly articulate why you created it and how you did it. Know that your audience may never fully understand your art as their art experience can widely vary. However, if you want your audience to have a baseline understanding of what … Read more

My Reasons for Drawing – Simple Ways For Me to Connect with Myself and Rest my Weary Mind

Reasons to Draw – Simple Ways For Me to Connect with Myself and Rest my Weary Mind by Rayna Lo

The past few months have been really busy and I am taking some much-needed time to reconnect with myself. June is a little slower with school being over and people enjoying a much-needed summer vacation, especially coming out of a traumatizing pandemic. CDC has lifted mask mandates for the vaccinated and businesses are fully opening … Read more


As I evolve by growing and learning more about myself, so too does my art. New website updates coming soon to reflect the new directions my journey is taking me!

Make Your Own DIY Planner at Home – with Japanese Elements

Make Your Own DIY Planner at Home by Rayna Lo

As a kid, I would go to a local Morning Glory store in Chicago to check out cute stickers, stationery, and planners. I don’t know why I needed a planner as a kid but I sure loved filling each page with notes, doodles, friends’ birthdays, and addresses. Fast-forward to 30 something year old adult, I’m … Read more